Business English Training
Business English Training


Grundkenntnisse der deutschen Sprache sind für die erfolgreiche Integration neuer, hochqualifizierter Fach- und Führungskräfte unerlässlich. Sie ermöglichen die reibungslose Verständigung am Arbeitsplatz, erleichtern das Knüpfen von sozialen und geschäftlichen Kontakten und stärken das Zugehörigkeitsgefühl. Gerne stehe ich Ihnen als Sprachtrainerin begleitend und unterstützend zur Seite!

  • Einzeltrainings
  • Kleingruppenkurse
  • inhouse
  • online

Mein Angebot richtet sich an Unternehmen mit Sitz in Österreich.

German conversation for beginners 

First things first

This course is designed for people with little previous knowledge of the German language who have recently moved to Austria for a new job. 


You will

  • learn about Austria and the Austrian culture: Tradition, customs, events, geography, etiquette, free time activities, healthcare, infrastructure, education, shopping, transport, housing, regulations
  • study essential vocabulary and phrases: Small talk, socialising, daily routine, working life, simple emails & phone calls
  • familiarize yourself with basic grammar: Tenses, sentence structure, asking questions 
  • practice your communication skills

Business German 

Build strong and long-lasting business ties

Level A2 and higher

More and more business people are staying in Austria for some time. In order to communicate successfully at work and to build rapport with coworkers, clients and partners, good language skills are essential. The goals of communication are to provide and obtain information, to reach a mutual understanding and to develop relationships. 


This language course is suitable for people who frequently have to speak German in business situations.


You will

  • become acquainted with phrases for business socialising and small talk
  • gain an insight in cultural characteristics
  • learn how to describe your company's products and services 
  • get to know how to describe processes and procedures
  • practice typical phone calls and draft everyday business emails
  • prepare for meetings and presentations (see also below) 

Meetings and presentations in German

Have you got a meeting or a presentation coming up? Do you need help with the preparation? 

Level A2 and higher

Together we will

  • go through your notes, documents and drafts 
  • discuss structure, wording, grammar and questions you are likely to get
  • do a practice run and evaluate which areas need work
  • refine your talk until you can communicate your ideas effectively and effortlessly in German

Phone calls & emails in German

Level A2 and higher

This language course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to make simple phone calls and write standard emails in German. 

  • Making enquiries
  • Describing products and services
  • Informing and requesting action 
  • Making, confirming and changing arrangements
  • Handling orders

You will

  • learn useful phrases and vocabulary (structure, building blocks) 
  • do telephoning role-plays
  • write sample emails based on your everyday correspondence

Business socialising in German

Making valuable contacts

Level A2 and higher

Business socialising is a very important aspect of working life but many people find it quite tricky or even scary, especially if German isn't their first language. 


In this conversation course you will learn and practice key phrases to master social situations with clients, corporate events, after work get-togethers, trade fairs and conversations in conference breaks. 

  • Striking up a conversation
  • Introducing yourself
  • Small talk
  • Building rapport
  • Getting contact details

German for sales

Level B1 and higher


In this course, you will improve your language skills for sales. 

  • Tasks & responsibilities
  • Small talk & socialising
  • Calls & emails
  • Meetings & presentations (see also above)
  • Sales Pitch
  • Negotiations

German for job interviews

Are you preparing for a job interview in German?

Level B1 and higher

In this training, you will acquire the relevant language skills for a successful interview. We will cover the following topics:

  • Phrases & vocabulary
  • Common interview questions & answers
  • Small Talk
  • Your future employer
  • Educational background
  • Work experience
  • Skills, responsibilities & tasks
  • SWOT
  • Expectations
  • Salary
  • Cultural differences
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© Business English Training Mag. Alexandra Hagler, A-5020 Salzburg, 2024