Sprachkurse in Business English & Deutsch
Sprachkurse in Business English & Deutsch

Deutschkurse für Unternehmen

Grundkenntnisse der deutschen Sprache sind für die erfolgreiche Integration neuer, hochqualifizierter Fach- und Führungskräfte unerlässlich. Sie ermöglichen die reibungslose Verständigung am Arbeitsplatz, erleichtern das Knüpfen von sozialen und geschäftlichen Kontakten und stärken das Zugehörigkeitsgefühl. 


Gerne stehe ich Ihrem Unternehmen als Sprachtrainerin begleitend und unterstützend zur Seite! Ich biete Einzeltrainings und Kleingruppenkurse für alle Sprachniveaus sowohl inhouse als auch online an. Mein Angebot richtet sich an Unternehmen mit Sitz in Österreich.

German courses

Four good reasons why German language classes are essential for international business people

1. Cultural integration: Living and working in Austria, proficiency in German is invaluable. It allows you to integrate into the local culture, making everyday interactions smoother and more enjoyable. From understanding local customs to participating in community events, speaking German enriches your life.


2. Professional relationships: Building strong professional relationships is crucial for success. German language skills enable you to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and partners. It shows respect for their language and culture, fostering trust and collaboration.


3. Business opportunities: By mastering German, you open doors to new business opportunities, from local partnerships to expansions. It also enhances your ability to negotiate, present, and network within the German-speaking business community.


4. Confidence: Whether you are chairing meetings, giving presentations, or engaging in casual office conversations, fluency in German ensures you can express yourself clearly and confidently.

German conversation 


Course overview


This course is perfect for people who have recently moved to Austria for a new job with little or no prior knowledge of the German language.


Course contents

  • Austrian culture & daily life: Traditions, healthcare, education, transport, shopping, dining, housing & more
  • Essential vocabulary & phrases: Small talk, workplace conversations
  • Basic grammar: Tenses, sentence structure, questions 
  • Communication skills: Practical exercises

In-person or online classes 

Business German 

Build strong and long-lasting business ties

Level A2 and higher

Course overview


This course is here to help business people develop the language skills they need for professional interactions and relationship building.


Course contents

  • Key phrases for networking & making small talk with ease
  • Cultural insights
  • How to describe your company's products & services 
  • Explaining processes & procedures
  • Making phone calls & writing business emails
  • Meeting & presentation prep (see also below) 

In-person or online classes 

Meeting and presentation prep


Level A2 and higher

Course overview


Got a big meeting or presentation coming up?

Do you need help with the preparation? 


This course is for English-speaking professionals who need to prepare for meetings or presentations in German. 


Course contents

  • Review your notes, documents & drafts 
  • Discuss structure, wording & grammar
  • Do a practice run to identify areas for improvement
  • Refine your talk until you can communicate your ideas clearly & confidently

In-person or online classes 

Phone calls & emails in German


Level A2 and higher

Course Overview


This course is perfect for anyone looking to master the basics of making phone calls and writing emails in German.


Course contents

  • Making inquiries
  • Describing products & services
  • Informing & requesting action 
  • Making, confirming & changing arrangements
  • Handling orders
  • Useful phrases & vocabulary  
  • Writing emails & making calls based on real scenarios

In-person or online classes 

Business socialising in German

Making valuable contacts

Level A2 and higher

Course overview


Business socialising is a crucial part of professional life, but you might find it challenging, especially if German isn't your first language. This conversation course helps you navigate situations such as client meetings, corporate events and trade fairs.


Course contents

  • Starting conversations
  • Introducing yourself
  • Small talk
  • Building rapport
  • Exchanging contact details

In-person or online classes

German for sales

It's a deal!

Level B1 and higher


Course overview


This course will help you refine your language abilities to excel in various sales scenarios.


What you will learn

  • Master the language needed to discuss your daily sales tasks & responsibilities
  • Improve your ability to engage in small talk & socialise with clients and business partners
  • Handle professional phone calls & write effective emails
  • Gain confidence in participating in meetings and delivering impactful presentations 
  • Develop a compelling sales pitch
  • Enhance your negotiation skills to close deals 

In-person or online classes 

German for job interviews

Tell me about yourself

Level B1 and higher

Course overview


Are you preparing for a job interview in German?


In this training, you will acquire the essential language skills needed for a successful job interview.


Course contents

  • Key phrases & vocabulary for interviews
  • Answering common interview questions
  • Mastering first impressions
  • Analyzing your potential employer's expectations
  • Showcasing your skills, qualifications and personality
  • Describing your past work experience
  • Conducting a SWOT analysis
  • Succeeding in salary negotiations

In-person or online classes 

Ready to get started? 

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© Business English Training and German Lessons, Mag. Alexandra Hagler, A-5020 Salzburg, 2025